Please Note That The Municipality Will Be Closed On The 23rd and on the 30th of December 2022. top_banner
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Human Resources Unit

The goal of the Human Resource Unit is to strategically manage the Municipal Human Capital of the entire organisation of Mkhambathini Municipality focusing on the following aspects:

  • Contributing towards the process of restructuring the Organization in terms of the needs and challenges of Mkhambathini Municipality within its changing Integrated Development Plan;
  • Recruitment and Selection of staff, and retaining the existing staff;
  • Human Resources Development which impacts on Quality Service Delivery and Integrated Development Planning, and the Development of a Workplace Skills Plan and implementation thereof;
  • Study Assistance Programmes, and offering in-service training to aspiring trainees who have completed tertiary levels of education;
  • Policy Development and Implementation; and,
  • Implementation and Monitoring Performance Management systems for improved Service Delivery.



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