Mkhambathini Local Municipality would like to welcome you to our business directory. We have compiled this directory to showcase businesses that are trading within boundaries of Mkhambathini, but also we wanted to profile our Tourism Sector to showcase various activities that you can find when you visit uMkhambathini. Our municipality is one of seven Local Authorities within the uMgungundlovu District Municipality, which is situated within south west KwaZulu-Natal. Mkhambathini Local Municipality consists of 7 wards with a large part of the municipality being rural in nature and underdeveloped. Towns within the municipal boundaries include Camperdown, Eston and Mid Illovo. Mkhambathini Local Municipality is located along the south-eastern boundary of Umgungundlovu District Municipality. Mkhambathini is 24.1 Km away from Pietermaritzburg the Capital city of KwaZulu-Natal, 23.6 Km from Oribi airport and 81.4 Km from King Shaka International Airport.